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The Glimme Book


This is the Genealogy Book that was compiled by my Great-Great Granduncle Johannes Knudsen Glimme from Norway in 1912.  I first found out about this book when researching the Glimme name 5 years ago.  The book turned up listed in a Norwegian library (University of Oslo I think).  I wanted to get a copy of it and I was surprised to find out that my Grandaunt had a copy of it in Badger, SD!

This electronic copy is a reprint from that book (a copy of a copy?).  The text is retyped (including original typos and format) in an old typewriter font that closely matches the original.  The pictures are scanned from the copy.  It's took nearly a week's worth of free time to reprint the book - it's 49 pages total.

On page 24 (of the text) Adolf Glimme (son of Amund Glimme)  is mentioned.  His mother Anna Spilde died when Adolf was born.  Adolf was adopted by his aunt and uncle John O. and Carrie Spilde of Wisconsin and his name changed to Edward Cornelius Spilde.  Amund returned to Norway for a few years before returning and settling again in Wisconsin.   Ed Spilde moved to Badger, SD where the Spilde's are now from.  Ed Spilde is my great grandfather and that's how we are related to the Glimme's mentioned in the book.

Update: 17th of June, 2003.  I scanned a photocopy of the book which was on file at the Memorial Library at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI.  The scanned copy is here, it's a large one at 37MB so it could take a while.

I'll post more information on this when I can.


June 17th, 2003

Last Revised: Tuesday, June 17, 2003